Organizing and integrating the information for Digital Publishing as PDF: InDesign. InDesign objects, control of text / image areas. Displaying information, flow of information. Rulers, guides. THE GRID! Optimizing files for the electronic world, importing, organizing and categorizing. Collecting for output / / Grids in Graphic Design / Lorem Ipsum /
Master Pages / Gutter / Bleed / Slug / Image Wrapping / Gap tool / Pages and Spreads /
Create a 11×8.5″ ( letter size ) 150dpi RGB booklet featuring the projects you created for this class. Every single project, including a cover, back-cover, index, and for the animation, a series of stills that would represent in the best possible way your time based experience.
Export each page at 1500px wide and post each individual page in your blog.
You are expected to use GRIDS in your general design template, comment about your grid choice in your blogs.
Use fonts that represent you, select a unique color palette for your general design, and make sure you use THE ORIGINAL FILES in Photoshop or Illustrator to create your portfolios. If you use an image you exported as a JPG in low resolution, it will get pixelated. Use the original file, and place it (command/control + D) JUST like you would place any other image. The only one that will be a PNG is the CANVAS PROJECT, the first one. IF you do not have access to the original files in .AI or .PSD, and you only have JPGs or PNGs, you already know how to use Photoshop to enlarge and optimize the image, removing all noise and artifacts, while preserving the authenticity of the original.
This is an assignment on shameless self-promotion, I expect you to do a really good job presenting the works you have done in class.
You will be submitting the HIGH QUALITY PRINT PDF portfolio on Dropbox. On your sites you will have the JPG version of each page.